This course was created for the experienced competitor or hunter who wants to expand his/her knowledge of the proper techniques of high precision reloading. The student will learn about components, cleaning, understanding the reloading manual, dies, the correct way to build cartridges, and safety.
Areas of focus involve all aspects of rifle brass work, trim length, primer pocket uniforming, flash-hole deburring, bullet seating, ogive, load development, neck turning, measuring your chamber length, chamber pressures and more. The student should expect to create cartridges that will reliably maintain under 1 MOA of accuracy (less is common.)
The second day is field testing! Students will go to the range and shoot his/her loaded rounds to analyze the precision of each group created the previous day. Students will be introduced to methods and techniques for continuous load development and refinement until they reach the smallest group size for their rifle and ammo.
 The 2 day course is $950 and includes all courseware, range time and fees, 100, 200 or 600 yard zero validation, velocity checking and more!
*** It’s critical that students arrive with only rifles capable of 1 MOA or less accuracy, and quality optic with target adjustable turrets.