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Pistol & Rifle Reloading Courses from Beginner to Advanced!
Gain the skills and confidence to safely reload highly accurate ammunition through "hands-on" training with experienced instructors!
​Interested in Long Range Precision Rifle Shooting or just creating cartridges for your favorite pistol? Training is our full focus. Enroll to learn the skills needed to hand load match-winning, high-precision cartridges.Â
** We do offer "live fire" load development testing in some of our classes.​
At the Reloading Institute, we focus on developing your skills in the classroom, on video, and ultimately hands-on experience using today's latest reloading tools.
Is It Fast?
Because you don't have time to attend long-drawn-out classes, our certified NRA course and our intermediate and advanced classes have been designed to fit into a single 8-hour day! Our Advanced PRO class is 2 days
Is It Personal?
All of our classes are punctuated with tips, tricks, and hands-on demonstrations with experienced and certified instructors. You'll also be able to interact with fellow students to further enhance your skills.
Is It Expensive?
No. To provide you with the greatest value and experience, we keep our class sizes small, and most are limited to 8 hours.Â
What's New?
Every journey begins with a step. Now, you can take that step whenever you're ready with our new "Beginner to Advanced" program. Don't let calendars get in the way; we offer classes each month for beginners, intermediates, and advanced alike. Special calibers are no challenge: 223, 308, 6.5 Creedmoor, 9mm, 45 ACP, 338 Lapua, we cover most of them. Contact us for any special-caliber or unique training requests.